Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, HKU - KI Collaboration in Regenerative Medicine is now calling for application.
As a follow-up of the success of our first HKU-KI Joint Course in Regenerative Medicine – Cell-based Heart Regeneration held at the Nobel Forum at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden, in October 2015, we are pleased to announce that the Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong – Karolinska Institutet Collaboration in Regenerative Medicine of HKU will jointly organize a summer research exchange program with KI and Harvard University on June 8 to August 7, 2016 at KI, Stockholm, Sweden.
Date: June 8 - August 7, 2016
Venue: Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Successes in life sciences require multi-disciplinary skills and collaborative efforts. In modern biomedical profession, the importance of international collaborations and networks is becoming increasingly apparent. Unfortunately, students of life sciences at the undergraduate level have limited opportunities to interact and exchange with students and faculty from other countries. The present exchange program, jointly established by HKU, KI and Harvard, serves to fill this gap by providing an immense research experience for HKU students.
Program Contents
Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education. Karolinska Institutet accounts for over 40 per cent of the medical academic research conducted in Sweden and offers the country's broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine. This program will provide the visiting students with an opportunity to work on an independent project in a research laboratory of a KI faculty member. The project will be chosen based on the research interest of the student, and throughout their stay he or she will be working under the direct supervision of a postdoctoral fellow or senior graduate student. The immediate supervisor(s) will be matched based on mutual scientific skills and interests in teaching, etc.
Learning Outcomes
The research projects are expected to provide students sufficient hands-on laboratory experience, stimulate their critical thinking, provide ample networking opportunities with students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty members at KI, and insights into the life and culture in Sweden. Upon completion of the course, participating students are expected to be able to describe and critically evaluate their works in the hosting KI laboratory. Students will also be required to give an oral presentation and submit a written report detailing their research works at the end of the program.
If interested, please send your CV and statement of research interest to ldsrc@hku.hk. The statement must be no longer than 500 words, outlining your interest in and suitability for the research project. Strategic research areas include heart, liver, central nervous system, bioinformatics, gene-editing and biomedical engineering but applicants with interests in other areas are also welcome to apply. Please apply to our office by April 29, 2016.
Financial supports for travel expenses may be provided. If the number of applications exceeds the limited quota as set by KI, a formal selection process will be conducted. We reserve the right for our final selection and funding decision, as permitted by the resources available.
For further details and enquires, please contact:
Dr. Thomas Yuk-yu LEON (tleon@hku.hk or 2831 5391), Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong - Karolinska Institutet Collaboration in Regenerative Medicine
The University of Hong Kong