Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, HKU - KI Collaboration in Regenerative Medicine is now calling for nomination.
Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong – Karolinska Institutet Collaboration in Regenerative Medicine
To: Medicine / Science staff
Nomination of Karolinska Institutet Investigators
Workshop: Seed Funding for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research 2016-17
To tangibly support the University of Hong Kong (HKU) – Karolinska Institutet (KI) collaborative projects, three seed funding schemes have been established:
i. Impactful Scheme (up to $3 million for 3 years per project; up to 2 projects);
ii. Early Development Scheme (up to $0.5 million for 1 year per project; up to 2 projects), and;
iii. Sponsorship of Workshop (up to $0.5 million for per project).
All professoriate staff in the University may submit applications for the above schemes, and one of the co-investigators of each application must be from the KI. Please find the detailed information about the objectives, eligibility, application procedures and selection criteria for the above programmes at http://www.ldsrc.hku.hk/files/filemanager/file/2016-04/Scheme-rules-20160421.docx. The application form can be downloaded at http://www.ldsrc.hku.hk/files/filemanager/file/2016-04/Application-form-seed-funding-20160421.docx.
To enhance existing collaboration and nurture new collaboration, a workshop will be organized in October 2016 so as to line-up our HKU scientists with KI investigators. The objective of the workshop is to allow HKU scientists to have more focused and in-depth discussions and interactions with the KI Investigators, in order to develop and promote collaborative research between HKU and KI in the area of stem cell & regenerative biology.
I should be grateful if you would nominate a suitable KI investigator, with good experience in the area of stem cell and regenerative biology, to participate in the workshop and help supporting the HKU-KI collaborative projects. You are also encouraged to make full use of the KI investigators’ visit by inviting him/her to deliver talks/seminars, etc.
Upon receipt of your nomination, we shall proceed to invite the proposed investigators officially. Please kindly complete and submit the nomination form (http://www.ldsrc.hku.hk/files/filemanager/file/2016-05/Nomination-form-Workshop-Seed-Funding-20160517.docx) and, if possible, a copy of the brief curriculum vitae of the nominee, to Dr. Thomas Leon, Manager of the Research Centre by June 17, 2016. For enquiries, please contact Dr. Leon at 2831 5391 or tleon@hku.hk.
Thank you for your suggestions and contribution in advance.
Professor Paul K.H. Tam
Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong - Karolinska Institutet
Collaboration in Regenerative Medicine
May 17, 2016